Dee Leborgne performing an Ayurveda reading

Ayurvedic Dosha Reading (Online)

Ayurveda empowers you to be your own healer by enhancing personal power and wisdom through greater balance. Your online or onsite Ayurvedic reading is an invitation for deep discovery, allowing you to learn the key elements that support optimal health for your unique constitution. You will learn about your unique “dosha” and receive a comprehensive, personalized lifestyle plan. Dee will review your life story to understand the ways your mind and physiology work, from digestion to body structure. Your tongue analysis will further detect any inherent imbalances (you will need to send a photo prior to your Zoom consultation). Your comprehensive (minimum 15 pages) lifestyle report will be emailed to you within 7 days after your consultation.

L'Ayurveda vous permet d'être votre propre guérisseur en améliorant votre pouvoir personnel et votre sagesse grâce à un meilleur équilibre. Votre lecture ayurvédique en ligne ou présentiel est une invitation à une découverte profonde, vous permettant d'apprendre les éléments clés qui soutiennent une santé optimale pour votre constitution unique. Vous découvrirez votre « dosha » unique et recevrez un plan de vie complet et personnalisé. Dee passera en revue l'histoire de votre vie pour comprendre le fonctionnement de votre esprit et de votre physiologie, de la digestion à la structure du corps. Votre analyse de la langue détectera en outre tous les déséquilibres inhérents (vous devrez envoyer une photo avant votre consultation Zoom). Un rapport d’hygiène de vie complet (minimum 15 pages) vous sera envoyé par courrier électronique dans les 7 jours suivant votre consultation.


1.30h - 1.45h: 120 Euros


What is Ayurveda

Ayurveda is a 5000 year old holistic system of healing from ancient India which is still widely practiced today. The word, Ayurveda is made of two Sanskrit words:

◦ Ayur (meaning Life)
◦ Veda (meaning Knowledge)

So, Ayurveda is the knowledge of life.

What is life according to Ayurveda? It is the period of time between birth and death accompanied with Happiness, Inner Peace and Stability. The practice of this ancient medicine teaches self-awareness and how to live in harmony with oneself and the laws of nature.

The Ayurvedic art of living helps to attain Dharma (a mission in life), Artha (wealth and abundance) and Kama (Pleasure) in order to achieve even higher goals such as Salvation, Equilibrium, Bliss or Happiness.

Ayurveda emphasizes the importance of maintaining good health (prevention) and healing diseases (treatment) by keeping in balance the vital energies known as Doshas (Vata, Pitta, Kapha). The manifestations of these Doshas are unique for each individual. They represent the fundamental nature of a person in all their dimension - body, mind and soul.

Ayurvedic massage, diet, lifestyle, cleansing treatments, herbal medicines, exercises, and meditation are tools by which one can live a “good life”.